Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILES8 LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo SYSINFO GetCPUMake SYSINFO GetCPUClass SYSINFO GetCPUSpeed SYSINFO GetMemorySize SYSINFO AWECheck Update process cannot find WaveSynth or WaveGuide drivers. View Readme File Please read through the contents of the readme file shown below: Restart Windows$ Drivers have updated.a9 Your computer system has to be restarted for the changes $ to take effect. You can exit the update process now without $ selecting the options below, and restart at a later stage. Updating the drivers now... This Installation supports Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 - Setup will install the software defined by the sound environment. Setup is searching for installed components... Please wait. Setup is updating the Audio Drivers...$ Setup has detected that Windows audio drivers are not installed. Please do so before running this install program. Directory Confirmation$ The directory path specified already exists, do you want to continue installing into this directory ? Path selected is a CD-ROM drive. Unable to create the directory. Copying program files...$ Please check directory path and ensure it is correct. Destination Directory$ Setup will install a WaveSynth-WG Upgrade$ software in the directory shown below. To install to this directory, click Next. To install to a different directory, click Browse and select another directory. You can choose not to install by clicking Cancel to exit the Setup program. Checking system requirements... Please wait. Setup is updating the WaveSynth-WG Drivers... Searching for WaveSynth Control Panel... Folder found. Updating application in the directory below... Do you wish to install WaveSynth/WG software? If YES, Creative Audio CD with WaveSynth-WG is required. Creative Audio CD with WaveSynth-WG Please select the CD-ROM drive which has this CD. Sample file not found.$ For information on WaveSynth/WG upgrade software, please a& visit our website Software License Agreement$ Please read the following software license agreement carefully. a5 Press the PAGE DOWN key to read the entire agreement. Click Yes to indicate that you have read and accepted all the terms of a the above agreement. If you click No, the installation will abort. Minimum system requirements for Creative WaveSynth-WG a/ installation are Intel Pentium or AMD-K5 90MHz $ processor, and 8MB RAM. Creative WaveSynth-WaveGuide will not be installed How to use - The current midimap.cfg will be back up as midimap.c~g$ A disk is detected in Drive A:. Please remove it a% before the system reboots. Click the $ 'OK' button to continue. SOUNDR% SB16SND.DRVR( LICENSE.TXT README.TXTR$ README.TXT SYSTEM.INIa VWAVSYN.386R3 SB16SND.DRVR( SBAWE32.DRVR( AWE32 VWAVSYN.386( device( system.inia sndblst.drva FullDuplexa SB16DRV.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ WAVSYN31.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ SB16DRV.LIBa WINDOW\*.*B/ WINAPPL WAVSYN31.LIBa WAVE16\*.*B/ AWE32( SB32DRV.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ WAVSYN31.LIBa AWE32\*.*B/ SB32DRV.LIBa WINDOW\*.*B/ WINAPPL WAVSYN31.LIBa CTVMD\*.*B/ SB16( WAVSYN31.LIBa SB16\*.*B/ Creative WaveSynth-WG UpgradeA Creative Audio Drivers UpdateA Creative Labs Audio Drivers UpdateA Creative WaveSynth-WG UpgradeA sbank.libR& Copying sample file...A sbank.liba Copying sample file...A Failedb( Copying sample file...A SB16( WaveSynth Upgrade, WaveSynth-WG Upgrade midimap.c~g MIDIMAP.CFGa MIDIMAP.C~G SB16( system.ini drivers wavesynwg.drv system.ini drivers ctvmd.drv system.ini drivers wavsyn.drv midimap.cfg SB16DRV.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ WAVSYN31.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ SB16DRV.LIBa WINDOW\*.*B/ WINAPPL WAVSYN31.LIBa WAVE16\*.*B/ WAVSYN31.LIBa SB16\*.*B/ MIDIMAP.LIBa SB16\*.CFGA WINAPPL \WSYNCP16.HLP WaveSynth% \WSYNCP16.ICO: WINAPPL \WSYNCP16.EXE Creative WaveSynthbB midimap.cfg SB16DRV.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ WAVSYN31.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ SB16DRV.LIBa WINDOW\*.*B/ WINAPPL WAVSYN31.LIBa WAVE16\*.*B/ SB32DRV.LIBa SYSTEM\*.*B/ WAVSYN31.LIBa AWE32\*.*B/ MIDIMAP.LIBa AWE64\*.CFGA SB32DRV.LIBa WINDOW\*.*B/ WINAPPL WAVSYN31.LIBa CTVMD\*.*B/ WINAPPL \WSYNCP16.HLP WaveSynth% \WSYNCP16.ICO: WINAPPL \WSYNCP16.EXE Creative WaveSynthbB WINAPPL \VMDCP16.EXE Creative MIDI Instrument MapperbB WINAPPL \VMDCP16.HLP \VMDCP16.ICO: How to use MIDI Instrument MapperbB system.inia 386Enha devicea vwavsyn.386a vwavsyn.386! system.inia 386Enha devicea vwavsyn.386 system.inia driversb system.inia driversb wavsyn.drv! wavsyn.drv( Midib system.inia 386Enha devicea vsbawe.386a vsbawe.386! system.inia 386Enha devicea vsbawe.386 system.inia 386Enha devicea vwavsyn.386a vwavsyn.386! system.inia 386Enha devicea vwavsyn.386 system.inia driversb system.inia driversb wavsynwg.drv! wavsynwg.drv( midib system.inia driversb system.inia driversb ctvmd.drv! ctvmd.drv( midib SYSINFO.DLL SYSINFO.DLL Helvetica Creative Audio Drivers UpdateA edit( SETUPSTR862RU Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. 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